"If anyone wants to come after me, take up his cross and follow me"
The Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross were chosen on the vineyard hill of Benczúrfalva in 2002.
The beauty of the landscape and the silence inspired Antal Lipthay to create the path of Jesus’s suffering for the people.
Thanks to the support of many families and institutions, the Saint Anthony Votive Stations of the Cross, which are a memento for peace, were finished in 2015 and blessed in 2016.
The Chapel
The patron saints of the chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows are the Franciscan saints, and it has been under construction since 2017. The construction progresses according to the donations sent.
The building echoes the circular chapels of the Arpad dynasty, facing east, Christ, the rising sun.
The chapel has a circular shape that used to be a tradition during the Arpad dynasty and because it inspires people to pray and see how complete God’s world is.
The structure is closed by a hemispheric dome. Around the chapel we would like to set up a garden, protected by a wall, that would serve as a burial place for clerics, supporters or members of the community so they can wait the return of Jesus and the eternal life there.
The chapel is open to everyone to strengthen Hungarian Christian values, the faith in the Historic Hungary and the hope of peace.